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Ebbets Field
Date Issued: 2001-06-27
Postage Value: 34 cents

Commemorative issue
Legendary playing fields
Ebbets Field

Located in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, NY, Ebbets Field is best known as the home of the Brooklyn Dodgers of major league baseball’s National League. The field also was the home of the New York Brickley Giants, the first NFL team in New York City, in 1921 and the NFL’s Brooklyn Lions in 1926. As a baseball field, the park opened in 1913 with an inter-league exhibition game with the New York Yankees. A press box was added in 1929. The Dodgers’ success over the led to the demise of under-sized Ebbets Field. A disagreement between the club’s owner and the New York City building commissioner led to negotiations and subsequent move of the team to Los Angeles.

Topics: Baseball (45)  Football (40)  Sport (299)  

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