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The Beatles Yellow Submarine
Date Issued: 1999-09-17
Postage Value: 33 cents

Commemorative issue
Celebrate the Century - 1960s
The Beatles Yellow Submarine

“Yellow Submarine” is the name of a song by the Beatles released in 1966, a animated film released in 1968, and an album of the soundtrack of the film also released in 1968. The song only reached No. 2 in the United States, presumably because of comments by John Lennon on Christianity at the time of the song’s release. Paul McCartney is credited with the song, although others helped some with the lyrics. Even with the controversy, the single sold 1,200,000 copies in four seeks and earned the Beatles their 21st gold award, beating the record previously held by Elvis Presley.

Topics: Entertainment (423)  Music (193)  

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