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Rocky Marciano, undefeated boxer
Date Issued: 1999-05-26
Postage Value: 33 cents

Commemorative issue
Celebrate the Century - 1950s
Rocky Marciano, undefeated boxer

Rocky Marciano reigned as heavyweight boxing champion of the world from 1952-1956 and retired without ever losing a fight. Marciano played both baseball and football until dropping out of school after completing the 10th grade. He worked on a delivery truck, digging ditches, and as a shoemaker before being drafted into the Army in 1943. Following World War II, and before being discharged from the service, Marciano won the 1946 amateur armed forces boxing tournament. He began fighting professionally in 1948. He defeated Jersey Joe Walcott in 1952 to become heavyweight champion. Marciano died in a private plane crash in 1969.

Topics: Boxing (4)  Italian Heritage (131)  Sport (299)  

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