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Henry R. Luce
Date Issued: 1998-04-03
Postage Value: 32 cents

Commemorative issue
Great Americans Series
Henry R. Luce

At the age of 23, in 1922, Henry Luce and school friend Briton Hadden, left their jobs and formed Time, Inc. The first issue of Time was published the following March. Six years later Haddon died and Luce continued on. He founded the Fortune business magazine in 1930 and Life in 1934. Sports Illustrated launched in 1954. By the middle of the 1950s, Time, Inc., was the largest magazine publisher in the world. An avid anti-communist, Luce supported right-wing dictatorships via Time. He also supported such programs as the Save the Children Foundation, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and United Service to China, Inc.

Topic: Portrait (898)  

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