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Persistent trillium
Date Issued: 1979-06-07
Postage Value: 15 cents

Commemorative issue
Endangered Flora
Persistent trillium

The persistent trillium represents one of about 1,700 seriously threatened plant species in the United States. Perennial wildflower with a pale green to dark reddish-purple colored stem about 10 - 25 centimeters (4 - 10 in) long. Stem topped with a whorl of three spreading leaves. Leaves are 3 - 8 centimeters (1 - 3 in) long and 1 - 3 centimeters (0.3 - 1 in) wide. Leaves are slightly folded along the mid-vein and tapered to a sharp point with a wedge-shaped base. Leaves have no petioles and are dark green on the upper surface, with a paler or whitened underside.

Topic: Flower (500)  

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