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Year of the Ram
Date Issued: 2006-01-29
Postage Value: 39 cents

Commemorative issue
Lunar New Year
Year of the Ram

Charm, creativity and a caring and gentle personality are hallmarks of the ram, the eighth of twelve animals associated with the Chinese lunar calendar. People born in the Year of the Ram are said to be fond of nature and they are often happiest in a tranquil and secure environment.

Observed by people of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tibetan and Mongolian heritage, the traditional Chinese New Year marks the beginning of a new season. Also called Spring Festival, it is a time of renewed hope for a prosperous future and is often celebrated by reunions with family and friends.

To commemorate the Year of the Ram, artist Clarence Lee created an intricate paper-cut design of a ram. The Chinese characters—drawn in grass-style calligraphy by Lau Bun—translate into English as “Year of the Ram.” The greeting “Happy New Year!” is in English.

Topics: Animal (603)  Lunar New Year (52)  

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