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Triumph of the people over the king
Date Issued: 1965-06-15
Postage Value: 5 cents

Commemorative issue
Magna Carta 750th anniversary
Triumph of the people over the king

The Magna Carta was the charter of liberties wrested from England's King John by his rebellious barons. It was finalized at Runnymede on June 15, 1215. Barons rebelled against King John because of his demand for overseas duty that they felt was not owed. The opposition initially intended to restore what it regarded as the good old days of the Norman kings. Realistic considerations led to an insistence on pragmatic reforms. The charter was to be free, according to the charger. Also, all free men might be defended from royal whim. Moreover, certain taxes were not to be levied without the common consent of the kingdom. The evolution of due process was reflected in the requirement that proper trial be held before execution of a sentence.

Topics: Horse (143)  Military (462)  

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