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Four Horsemen of Notre Dame
Date Issued: 1998-05-28
Postage Value: 32 cents

Commemorative issue
Celebrate the Century - 1920s
Four Horsemen of Notre Dame

The backfield of Notre Dame University’s 1924 football team, under legendary coach Knute Rockne, was labeled the “Four Horsemen” by a sportswriter Grantland Rice. The four players were Harry Stuhldreher, Don Miller, Jim Crowley, and Elmer Layden. Notre Dame’s student publicity aide, George Strickler, who later because Chicago Tribune sports editor, seized upon Rice’s nickname for the group by associating it with the 1921 Rudolph Valentino movie, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, in the press box of the Notre Dame-Army game.


Topics: Football (40)  Horse (143)  Sport (299)  

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