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Interlude (The Lute Players), Maxfield Parrish
Date Issued: 2001-02-01
Postage Value: 34 cents

Commemorative issue
American Illustrators
Interlude (The Lute Players), Maxfield Parrish

Maxfield Parrish made extensive use of photography in his work. It appears he only executed two painted photographs: a derivative of Interlude is one of them. The original project involved painting a large mural for a vertically-oriented entrance of the Eastman Theater in Rochester, NY. Parrish named this mural Interlude. The only problem with a mural is that it’s hard to make a print of it :because it is attached to a wall. A painted photograph proved a viable solution. House of Art produced the picture in two formats: vertical under the name Interlude, and horizontal bearing the name Lute Players.

Topic: Woman (621)  

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