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Columbus in Chains
Date Issued: 1893-01-03
Postage Value: $2.00

Commemorative issue
Columbian Exposition
Columbus in Chains

Columbus's second voyage included 17 ships and 1,500 men. They returned to Hispaniola, saw the original settlement had been destroyed, and moved on to set up a new colony, Isabella. The settlement was moved to what became Santo Domingo in 1496, following the commander's orders. On his return to Spain, he was received coolly because he had not found riches nor the Asian mainland, and the settlers were unruly and would not work. After finding pearls on islands near the South American coast on the third voyage, the expedition returned to Santo Domingo. There Columbus found the colonists in revolt and had to face a royal commissioner, who arrived in 1500 with full power. Francisco de Bobadilla, the commissioner, sent the Columbus brothers back to Spain in chains.

Topics: Columbus (31)  Italian Heritage (131)  

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