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Washington Crossing the Delaware, Emanuel Leutze
Date Issued: 1976-05-29
Postage Value: 24 cents

Commemorative issue
American Bicentennial
Washington Crossing the Delaware, Emanuel Leutze

One of the most familiar works in America, Washington Crossing the Delaware was painted by German-American artist Emanuel Leutze. Leutze was born in Germany, but immigrated to Philadelphia with his parents in 1825. After beginning his painting career, he returned to Germany to study at the Dusseldorf Akademie and spent much of the 1850s in that country. His last major work was the enormous mural Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way completed for the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC.

In Emanuel Leutze’s painting, the commander of the Continental Army against Great Britain stands boldly near the prow of a crowded boat and navigates the treacherous Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776. The Declaration of Independence had been signed earlier that year in the summer heat of Philadelphia, and through the sobering autumn months General Washington led an army of dwindling numbers, with defeats mounting and morale sinking.  

Soundly beaten in New York, Washington was pursued through New Jersey into Pennsylvania by British General William Howe, who fully expected to take Philadelphia, the seat of the Continental Congress. However, in his retreat across the Delaware River, Washington shrewdly seized all the available boats to ferry his men from the New Jersey banks to the Pennsylvania side. A confident General Howe, certain the war was all but won, had already returned to New York in mid- December, leaving his British and Hessian mercenary troops in the Trenton area. The commanders left in charge plotted a river crossing as soon as the Delaware iced over. Washington acted immediately when his spies uncovered the plan. With the same boats used to flee the British, he and his men recrossed the river at Trenton, found the enemy, killed several officers, and captured more than nine hundred prisoners. The surprise attack not only checked the British advance but helped restore morale to the rebels. The victory confirmed Washington’s lead- ership and the brilliance of his military strategy, both vital to reinvigorating the American cause.  

Leutze grew up sharing the democratic ideals of the American Revolution and frequently represented them in his historical and literary paintings. The December battle at Trenton, a turning point in the war, appealed to the German-born painter, who had immigrated to the United States as a child decades after the Revolution. His works are combinations of carefully researched information presented in a meticulously rendered dramatic style. Leutze’s theatrical interpretations of historic events brought him private and government commissions. 

The sheer size of Leutze’s canvas, twelve by twenty-one feet, pulls anyone standing before it into the scene. The viewer is nearly the same size as the painted figures and the action seems only a few feet away. Washington stands fast in the lead boat as his men struggle to maneuver the craft through the choppy,  ice-filled waters. Other boats follow, crowded with soldiers and jittery horses. We feel Washington’s resolve and courage in  facing the battle ahead as he leans forward into the blustering wind. As his men strain to pull the oars through the water, one deflects the ice while another at the back of the boat uses a paddle like a rudder to steer the course. Dawn glimmers below the troubled sky, and the American flag, blown and knotted by the wind, rises to a peak behind the General. 

The Continental Congress did not officially adopt the flag shown in the painting until June 14, 1777, but according to tradition, Betsy Ross is said to have completed one of this design in  late May or early June of 1776 at the request of George Washington and two other members of the Congress.  Leutze, a passionate abolitionist, included an African American as the third boatman from the front. 

Hoping for a government commission, Leutze put the painting on public exhibit in New York in 1851. Within four months,  fifty thousand people had paid to see it. Not long after, a private collector bought the work for ten thousand dollars, a stupen- dous sum at the time. Engraved reproductions, popular in nineteenth-century American homes, expanded the fame of the work even further. The attention and high praise Leutze received helped the artist obtain the commission for his mural Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way, which now  occupies a stairway in the U.S. Capitol. 

Originally, Leutze’s painting was held in a carved and gilded wooden frame. Along the top of the work’s original frame was a twelve-foot carved eagle holding a banner with the famous words eulogizing George Washington: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” 

Topics: Art (698)  Military (462)  President (289)  

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