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Founding of Jamestown
Date Issued: 1907-04-26
Postage Value: 2 cents

Commemorative issue
Jamestown Exposition
Founding of Jamestown

Capt. Christopher Newport in 1607 led the first group of 100 men to found the colony of Jamestown on a marshy peninsula in the James River of what now is Virginia. Instead of planting crops and working on their survival, the colonists quarreled and searched for gold and a passage to the Pacific. What they did discover, however, was an important cash crop: tobacco. Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan, married colonist John Rolfe; nevertheless, the settlers managed to turn the natives against them. The most serious of the natives' attacks on the settlers was March 22, 1622, when a party led by Opechancanough massacred 347 people. As a result, the British Crown recalled the London Company's charter, and the colony of Virginia came under royal control.

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