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Bald eagle
Date Issued: 1963-07-12
Postage Value: 6 cents

Bald eagle

America’s national emblem, the majestic bald eagle is a symbol of strength and longevity. With Spectrum Eagle, the U.S. Postal Service issues six new stamps celebrating the grandeur of this magnificent bird.

The eagle’s powerful profile is depicted in white set boldly against a sequence of six varying shades of reds, yellows, greens, and blues. Each color subtly blends with the one following, resulting in a gradual spectrum from left to right across six stamps.

On June 20, 1782, an Act of Congress officially adopted the bald eagle as America’s national symbol. The bald eagle—which is native to North America—is sacred to many Native American cultures and is the focus of numerous myths and legends. After years on the endangered species list, the bald eagle has made a remarkable recovery and is no longer considered endangered or threatened. In 2007, Congress designated June 20 as the first “American Eagle Day” to celebrate the recovery of this national treasure from the brink of extinction.

Topic: Eagle (72)  

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