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Nurse & baby
Date Issued: 1981-05-01
Postage Value: 18 cents

Commemorative issue
American Red Cross centennial
Nurse & baby

Jean Henri Dumant, Swiss humanitarian, established and brought recognition to the Red Cross. He first proposed a voluntary relief services operation in 1863. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross. The organization is authorized by congressional charter requiring it to provide disaster relief. Local offices provide services in their communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, the American Red Cross is privately funded. Since 1986, the international operation is known as the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. It has independent affiliates, such as the American Red Cross, in most countries of the world. The international operation has headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It has received the Nobel Peace Prize three times, in 1917, 1944, and 1963.

Topics: Children (204)  Medicine (54)  Red Cross (5)  Woman (621)  

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