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Statue of Liberty & U.S. flag
Date Issued: 1966-10-26
Postage Value: 5 cents

Commemorative issue
Savings Bonds 25th anniversary & U.S. servicemen
Statue of Liberty & U.S. flag

The origin of savings bonds and the periods of their greatest use historically are associated with wartime economies. At such times, savings bonds serve two functions: by drawing income off into savings and away from day-to-day spending, they keep the combination of too much money and too few goods from driving prices up, and they provide the government money to pay for the war. Generally, a savings bond is a written promise by the government to repay, with interest at a given rate and specified time, a sum of money being lent to it by an individual.

Topics: Flag (336)  Military (462)  Statue of Liberty (26)  

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