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Stamps through:

World War II
Date Issued: 1992-08-17
Postage Value: 29 cents

Commemorative issue
World War II
World War II

This souvenir sheet of 10 stamps is the second of five annual issues. Stamps in the sheet feature stamp designs commemorating key events that took place in America's second year as a participant in the war. With the stamps at top and bottom of the sheet, in the middle is a world map depicting the war's theaters of operations and historical World War II events of 1942. Events along the top row of stamps on each sheet, from left, are B-25's taking off to raid Tokyo, April 18, 1942; food and commodities rationed, 1942; United States wins Battle of the Coral Sea, May 1942; Corregidor falls to Japanese, May 6, 1942; and, Japan invades Aleutian Islands, June 1942. Events along the bottom row are Allies decipher secret enemy codes, 1942; Yorktown lost, United States wins at Midway, 1942; millions of women join war effort, 1942; Marines land on Guadalcanal, August 7, 1942; and, Allies land in North Africa, November 1942.

Topics: Airplane (153)  Map (105)  Military (462)  WWII (84)  

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