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Great white heron & Florida map
Date Issued: 1947-12-05
Postage Value: 3 cents

Commemorative issue
Everglades National Park dedication
Great white heron & Florida map

The Everglades originally extended about 100 miles (160 km) from Lake Okeeochobee south to the Gulf of Mexico. They are an extensive marshland in southern Florida. Northern parts of the Everglades have been drained and now are used for farming. Southern parts have been preserved as the 1,400,000-acre Everglades National Park. About 200 Seminole Indians, original inhabitants of the area, remain in the Everglades. The area supports a unique pattern of vegetation, including saw grass, thick hummocks of pine, cypress, and mangrove trees. Animals include alligators, manatee, and cougars. Birdlife is varied and plentiful.

Topics: Bird (309)  Map (105)  

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