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Mahalia Jackson
Date Issued: 1998-07-15
Postage Value: 32 cents

Commemorative issue
American Music Series - Gospel Singers
Mahalia Jackson

The contralto Mahalia Jackson became one of the most influential gospel singers in the world and came to be known as the first “Queen of Gospel Music.” During her career, she recorded nearly 35 albums. She had more than a dozen million-seller single records. At the age of 16, she moved from New Orleans to Chicago and gave an impromptu performance at her first church service there. She was invited to join the choir and soon began touring with the Johnson Gospel Singers, an early professional gospel group. She held to her early pledge not to sing secular music.

Topics: African American (269)  Entertainment (423)  Music (193)  Portrait (898)  Religion (56)  Woman (621)  

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