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Sandlot baseball game
Date Issued: 1939-06-12
Postage Value: 3 cents

Commemorative issue
Baseball centennial
Sandlot baseball game

The baseball centennial was celebrated on the anniversary of Abner Doubleday's "invention," but that theory now is considered a myth. Baseball evolved from cricket and rounders, with similar games popular in the eastern United States by the 1820s. In 1846 a New York team defeated the Knickerbocker Baseball Club, which had drafted rules setting the team at nine players and the diamond at four bases. In 1857 a convention of baseball clubs set the length of a game at nine innings rather than 21 runs. The first baseball league was established a year later. The Cincinnati Red Stockings, now the Cincinnati Reds, was the first professional team. It won 91 games, while losing only one during 1869 and 1870.

Topics: Baseball (45)  Sport (299)  

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