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Indian hunting buffalo
Date Issued: 1898-06-17
Postage Value: 4 cents

Commemorative issue
Trans-Mississippi Exposition
Indian hunting buffalo

The design of this stamp is based on the Seth Eastman painting Buffalo Chase. Eastman was a West Point graduate who spent time as a topographer with the Army Topographical Corps. He then returned to West Point as an instructor in drawing. While at West Point, he improved his own skills at architectural renderings of buildings and landscapes, leading to 17 paintings of historic forts now hanging in the U.S. Capitol. Fort Sumter was painted in three aspects: before the Civil War, after the bombardment, and rebuilt after the war. Following various military assignments, including the Florida War, Fort Snelling, and Texas, he retired in 1863. Eastman returned to service, was brevetted a brigadier general, and commissioned by President Andrew Johnson to paint Indian scenes. Among those was Buffalo Chase.

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