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Cat and Raven
Date Issued: 2019-10-11
Postage Value: 0 cents

Commemorative issue
Spooky Silhouettes
Cat and Raven

The Spooky Silhouettes stamps feature digital illustrations with Halloween motifs rendered as black silhouettes in eerily backlit windows. The images include a cat with an arched back beneath a raven perched on a bare tree branch, all against a yellowish-green background; two ghosts against an orange background; a spider and a web against a red background; and three bats against a purple background.

As autumn approaches, these new stamps offer fun, frightful scenes that symbolize Halloween. With customs and traditions that vary widely by community, Halloween now inspires parades and carnivals, corn mazes, haunted houses, neighborhood and school parties, pumpkin festivals, and even pumpkin catapulting. Halloween remains a much-anticipated celebration of the macabre in the face of approaching winter.

Topics: Bird (309)  Cats (24)  Forever Stamp (1052)  

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